
  • Adding IntelliJ Idea IDE to Gnome menu in Fedora 33

    I used to have a handy shortcut to my Jetbrain IntelliJ IDE installation, but with a recent update requiring manual install rather than being able to auto update as usual I found myself having to remember how I created the shortcut.

    In Gnome I can use the "Windows" key and type a letter or two of the program name to launch it. This is the behaviour I wanted for IntelliJ Idea.

  • Amazon (AWS) EC2 webserver (LAMP) setup

    LAMP setup on Amazon EC2 instance (using Amazon Linux 2).
    LAMP = Linux (Amazon Linux 2) / Apache (webserver / MySQL (database server) / PHP (script language)

    Some notes for future reference next time I setup a new EC2 instance ready for PHP driven sites including Joomla and Wordpress.

  • DaFoot's Linux experiment - going fulltime Linux

    After numerous installs of Linux since the late 90's that ultimately ended up returning to the prevalent Windows version of the time, I have now adopted Linux as my full time home PC OS of choice (starting Spring 2008).

  • LetsEncrypt SSL certificates on AWS EC2

    I keep forgetting how to enable SSL on my websites. I need a basic certificate I've no need for super certificates, I'm not a bank!
    So LetsEncrypt, a free SSL certificate service will do the job nicely.

    Here I describe how I install LetsEncrypt certificates using the GetSSL script on AWS EC2 instances.

  • Linux - sync to Synology NAS DS918+

    Just some notes on getting to a point where I could use rsync to sync data to my new Synology DS918+ NAS, just in case I have to figure it out again!

  • Wake on LAN (WOL) with Synology NAS and Fedora 32

    Notes on using Wake on LAN feature of my Synology NAS box

I'm very involved in UK Judo. Arguably too much as I give up far too much volunteering (both time & missing events as a competitor) to fulfil numerous roles which takes time away from my own training.
I really should figure out where to cut back.

An occasional thank you would be nice!

This page is a summary of my activity, I also run a Judo blog for the day-to-day stuff.


I recently decided to upgrade one of my many half-projects to the latest Angular (18) as the application was falling behind (14 or 15). In the process I discovered the APP_INIITALIZER functionality, which I've started playing with.

Here are some notes on my implementation of APP_INITIALIZER in Angular 18.


Despite what Austin Powers(TM) may say about it, there is no such thing as the famed 'judo-chop!

At least not in competition. Sorry if that disappoints you :)

Judo is a contact sport derived from the Samurai martial art of Ju-Jitsu.

To win a contest, a competitor must throw his opponent to his back, gain submission from arm-lock or strangle, or pin his opponent to the ground for twenty seconds.

Sounds a bit violent? Not dangerously so!
Serious injuries are not common but you can't expect to train without getting a few bruises

I practice in Sheffield, coaching and a bit of randori at the university club.


The Leeds university Judo club became an official club in spring 2008 after a student, Sarah Shearn was asking around for a coach - I volunteered to take up the position to get the club going.

There used to be a Judo club at the Leeds university, but that had gone defunct some time previously.