Having problems with your computer? Do you need a friendly face to visit you at a convenient time to fix your computer problem?
With more than 15 years experience trouble shooting and upgrading PCs, home networking and computer tuition Ben is able to offer an efficient computer service at affordable prices.
PC/computer help in your own home:
- Upgrades to help machine run more smoothly (memory / RAM, processor etc)
- Assistance upgrading Windows
- Repairing a Windows machine
- Cleanup / tuneup your PC
Computer tutoring
So, you've got a new computer but don't know how to use it?
Need help building your confidence using your computer or just want to learn more about the inner workings?
Ben can provide 1 to 1 home based tutoring in Sheffield and surrounding area (Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham etc) using your own computer. Working this way means you are in an environment you are comfortable with, but more importantly you get to know your computer and make changes to get it running as you want. Rather than doing it once in a classroom then trying to find out how to do the same thing on a machine with a different layout at home.
Discuss your computer needs with Ben
Should you wish to discuss your needs or arrange a visit, please use the contact page.